Tag: supermoons

The approaching Full Moon is not only a Supermoon but also qualifies as a Blue Moon

The approaching Full Moon is not only a Supermoon but also qualifies as a Blue Moon

The upcoming full Moon is scheduled for Wednesday night, August 30, 2023, and will be visible opposite the Sun in Earth-based longitude at 9:36 PM EDT. During this time, the planet Saturn, just days away from its peak brightness for the year, will be situated near the Moon. As evening twilight fades at 8:42 PM, Saturn will be positioned 5 degrees to the upper right of the Moon. Over the course of the evening, Saturn will appear to move in a clockwise direction around the Moon. The full Moon phase will extend for approximately three days around its peak, from Tuesday night to Friday morning. This specific full Moon in August will be classified as a supermoon. Although different criteria are used to determine "supermoons," it is unanimously agreed upon that both full Moons in August of 20...